Welcome Address/Introduction:

Dr Michael Segun AFOLABIDr. Michael Segun AFOLABI



The Department of Agronomy conducts basic, applied and adaptive research on the management of tropical soils, technology of seed production, and all aspects of horticulture. The department is aimed at training high level manpower for the Universities and Research Institutes, and provides human development capabilities for the general Nigerian economy.


The Department of Agronomy is one of the departments under College of Agriculture in Ejigbo. The town is located along the border between Oyo and Osun State. The Department of Agronomy has teaching and non-teaching scientists who are versatile to produce high level of agricultural graduate with broad based advanced-knowledge in soil management, crop production, agricultural mechanization, land resources management, and environmental protection. She also trains professional agronomists for both private and public sectors of the economy.

Academic Programmes:

  1. B. Agric. Agronomy
  2. M. Sc. and Ph.D. in Agronomy

Vision of the Department:

To be a model Department providing excellent and high-quality teaching and learning experiences which will engender the production of graduates with entrepreneurial spirit of excellence and globally competitive capabilities.

Mission of the Department:

To produce graduates that are technologically and professionally sound, committed to the pursuit of academic innovation and skill-based training in Agronomy and set the pace and tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service and provide food security to the world at large.

Physical development:

The department has functional Screen House, Garri Processing Unit, Oil Palm Plantation, oil palm processing units, pineapple plantation, post-harvest/value addition laboratory, Tractors with Implement, Power Tiller, Tractor Shed, Teaching and Research Farm, Reading Room for undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Departmental Library. Department has well-equipped functioning laboratories that serve the academic units of the Department. The laboratory is well-equipped to cope with the teaching of students and academic staff for research purposes. Well-illuminated and ventilated classrooms and seminar rooms are also available for students’ use in the Department. Nursery unit (for raising seedlings of permanent crop as well as ornamental crop for practical purposes and for community services). Weather Station and Perimeter fencing for border demarcation are in the pipeline.

Research Activities:

Basic and applied research in agronomy is embarked upon by members of academic staff in the department. Areas of research coverage: • Soil Science, • Natural Resources Management, • Crop Production, Crop Physiology, • Plant Breeding and molecular Genetics, • Seed Science, • Crop Protection, • Horticulture. Research facilities being developed include: Teaching and research farm; Teaching and research laboratory; Screen house; Nursery; Information and communication technology (ICT); and Departmental libraries.

Grants and Awards:

  1. Field evaluation of sweet potato germplasm for dual purpose in Osun State University
  2. Partial rhizosphere drying and regulated irrigation effects on photosynthesis and the concentration of bioactive compounds in green amaranth (Amanrathus cruentus L.)
  3. Nutrition and health implications of processed insects as protein supplements in the diets of Clariuas gariepinus and Heterobranchus bidorsalis

Community Empowerment Service Project:

The department establish centers and project for community empowerment. These are:

  1. centre for research demonstration The centre packages and disseminate research findings as well and improved seedlings for adaptation trials as well adoption by the people.
  2. sparri and garri processing outreach Establish to promote sparri (garri production from sweet potato) and garri from cassava production enterprises by interested individuals.
  3. Oil palm production outreach Establish to promote hygienic oil palm production enterprises by interested individuals and sale to the community at reduced prices
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For enquiries on admissions, please contact

  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
  • Email:
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