The College of Agriculture is located in Ejigbo. The town is located along the border between Oyo and Osun State. The College is currently having two (2) Faculties with Seven (7) Departments having students admitted into their programmes.
The College was bifurcated into these two Faculties in the year 2021, namely:
- Faculty of Agricultural Production and Management.
- Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management.
Faculty of Agricultural Production and Management has four programmes which are;
- Agric. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management.
- Agric. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development.
- Agric. Agronomy.
- Agric. Animal Science.
Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, has three Departments
- Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management.
- Wildlife and Ecotourism Management.
- Forestry Management
The academic staff strength is currently thirty-three (33) with six (6) Professors in the Departments. The entire members of the academic staff are Ph.D. holders. On the other hand, there are one hundred and two (102) non-teaching staff comprising registry, bursary, works, technical and security staff.
Vision of the College
The College of Agriculture was envisioned to be a model institution providing excellent and high quality teaching and learning experiences which will engender the production of graduates with entrepreneurial spirit of excellence and globally competitive capabilities.
Mission of the College
The College of Agriculture has a mission to be an institution that is technologically and professionally sound, committed to the pursuit of academic innovation and skills- based training / entrepreneur skill in Agriculture and Natural resources management and set the pace and tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service.
Physical Development
The Directorate of Works and Physical Development continues to supervise on-going physical development projects which include approach road construction, health centres, classrooms complex, ICT Centre, Library building, laboratories complex, sports arena and facilities and farm structures. A feed mill factory, centres for Apicultural Research, Teaching and Research Animal farm, Training and Honey Production, centre for Agricultural Extension and Outreach Services, Weather Station and a comprehensive landscape design project, tree planting, etc.
The desire to create a model Agricultural College has driven the tempo of physical development at Ejigbo Campus.
Research Activities
Basic and applied research in agriculture and rural development are embarked upon by members of academic staff in the College. Areas of research coverage include Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Agronomy, Horticultural Science, Animal Science, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management, Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Forestry Management /Environmental Resources Management, Cooperative and Agribusiness Management, Home Science, Hospitality Management, Agricultural Journalism, Agricultural Media Resources Development etc.
Research facilities being developed include:
Teaching and Research farm
Experimental field
Nursery Plantation
Tree Plantation
On station demonstration
Green house establishment and production
Integrated rural development project
Agricultural media resources /Audio –visual laboratory
Teaching and Research Departmental laboratories
Teaching and Research laboratory complex
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
College and Departmental libraries
Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources (UJARR)
Grants and Awards:
Grants and Awards won will be listed under each faculty.
Community Empowerment Service Project:
The College establishes centers and project for community empowerment and outreach service project. These are:
The centre packages and disseminate research findings as well and improved technologies for adoption and people’s empowerment at community level.
The centre for established a 100 Beehive apiary for honey production and operated an agricultural and research and training laboratory. It produces high quality pure natural honey called UNIOSUN HONEY and organizes entrepreneurial skills development training to present Bee-keepers and honey producers.
Establish to promote ownership of livestock and animal production enterprises by interested individuals.